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Palworld: How To Hatch Eggs

Palworld How To Hatch Eggs
Eggs are all over the place in Palworld, but you'll need a special machine at your base if you wish to hatch them.

Quick Links

  • How To Build An Egg Incubator
  • How To Hatch Eggs Using The Incubator

There are a large variety of ways to get new Pals in Palworld. Of course, catching them in Pal Spheres is the primary method, but that's rather limited by where you go and the time of day - indeed, alternative methods such as purchasing them or freeing them from cages allows you to get rare Pals quite easily.

Palworld: Beginner Tips
Palworld is more than just 'Pokemon with guns' - there are some deep and complex mechanics at work here.

One way to get Pals is to hatch them from eggs found across the land. Every now and then, you'll come across colourful eggs that promise to hold Pals. Unfortunately, hatching them isn't as simple as getting a Chikipi to sit on them for a while - you'll need a special bit of gear.

Palworld is currently in Early Access, so the information presented below is liable to change as development progresses.

How To Build An Egg Incubator

The Egg Incubator is the machine you'll need to build in order to hatch those eggs you've been collecting. In Palworld, the Egg Incubator is categorised as 'Ancient Technology', meaning you'll need to unlock it with Ancient Technology Points rather than regular Technology Points.

To get Ancient Technology Points, you'll have to defeat bosses, whether they be the leader of a Syndicate Tower or the powerful Pals who get highlighted on the map when you encounter them.

In addition to some common materials, you'll also need two Ancient Civilization Parts to build the Incubator. You'll also obtain these from bosses.

Bosses respawn after a certain amount of time, so Ancient Civilization Parts can be farmed infinitely.

In total, you'll need ten Paldium Fragments, five Cloth, 30 Stone, and two Ancient Civilization Parts to craft the Incubator.

How To Hatch Eggs Using The Incubator

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Hatching a Pal Egg in the Incubator is as easy as interacting with it and transferring the egg from your inventory to the machine. As soon as you've done that, a countdown will begin until the egg is ready to hatch.

You can modify this countdown by making the Incubator's temperature match the best temperature for the egg inside.

Many eggs will prefer heat, so placing a Campfire or a Heater next to the Incubator will cut the time the egg requires to hatch significantly. Other eggs, such as Damp Eggs, will prefer the cold, so you can use Coolers (not Cooler Boxes) to speed up hatching.

Some eggs will prefer neither heat nor cold. The goal, when trying to hatch eggs quickly, is to make the message displayed below the timer read 'seems very comfortable' - this level of comfort will effectively halve the time spent incubating.

Once the timer is complete, all that's left is to interact with the Incubator. You'll find out what Pal was inside, and they'll be automatically added to your Palbox.

Palworld: How To Get Food
Food is essential to survival and Pal care in Palworld.
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